I know some of y’all were hoping for an introduction to how Mac Attack joined our little family…
(Yes, I am writing as though I already have hundreds, nay, thousands of readers :) )
…but y’all are gonna have to hold your horses.
Quick back story (introduction to follow soon): Mac still had his cojones when we got him. The rescue organization requires him to be neutered, but when they got him he was too emaciated (super sad story) to be anaesthetized, so we had to beef him up first.
He’s sufficiently beefed.
Being the niece of a remarkable advocate for animal rights, I was raised to value the role of spaying and neutering, so I wanted the cojones gone. (Also I’ve heard it tones down the ‘tude a little bit.)
My Partner In Crime took the beast to a local animal hospital and the snipping commenced. When I returned home, my PIC notified me that this bad boy:
was here to stay. For 7 to 10 days.
Now I think I’m a fairly patient person. I mean, I commune with toddlers on a daily basis. That’s the definition of patience, right? So I’m thinking I can handle this.
About half an hour later, I was ready to let him lick those stitches to his little heart’s content.
He was drugged out of his gourd when he first got home, so most of his time was spent snoring. The second day he was still a little disoriented and need some assistance finding an appropriate place to pee. Let’s be honest, he needed me to tell him to pee. By the second day, the drugs had worn off and he was whizzing through the house with his usual vigor. And his new necklace.
He had the Lamp Shade all dinged up within 48 hours.
(See all those dents?)
He also had the walls, furniture, and his sister dinged up pretty badly. I already knew he followed me around the house a lot. I had no idea how often he did so until he started crashing into me every 32 seconds or so. I now have many little arc-shaped bruises on the backs of my thighs, thank you very much.
Poor baby can’t sleep.
He’s having some difficulty finding his food bowl.
The Blonde Bombshell is terrified of the Lamp Shade.
And he stinks to high Heaven. (Seriously, I think the Lamp Shade is just trapping the “aroma” of his jowls and it can’t find it’s way out…)
I’m starting to think we should have let him keep his balls.
(Just kidding, Aunt Kay. I promise I’m still committed to reducing America’s unwanted pet population.)
Warning! Lewd photograph coming up!
Did I mention they left his empty cojones-basket just hanging there?
I think that was the funniest thing when Cooper was fixed... was that this big blob of skin was there. Empty. :) Cute!
ReplyDeleteSometimes I like to wear that thing on MY neck. Just to freak people out on the street.
ReplyDeleteHave you seen UP? The dogs refer to this as the "Cone of Shame", and whoever has to wear it instantly becomes the beta dog. Not that Carly's Alpha status was ever in question.
ReplyDeletePoor Mac - Hope his recovery has gone well and everything is as normal as it can be without balls.
Cutest doggy ever! Even the butt shot! That dog could pull off goatse, I swear.